A Getaway

Today I had an adventure. Will, Bailey, Amanda, and myself roadtripped to the Arbuckle Mountains region of southern Oklahoma for a day away. We ate a grand American feast at a little roadside diner,

got slobbered on by camels and llamas,

got into some trouble with the law,

and saw some beautiful waterfalls.

I deem it a successful getaway.
(That last picture is little and faraway. You can click on it to blow it up. I look disheveled because I had to run from where the camera was on a stump to my position in the photo in ten seconds. Just so you know.)



Anonymous said...

What a great trip. Thanks for coming, friend. And driving. And paying for stuff. And basically organizing the whole thing ;)

Nancy said...

That food looks so good.
Did you get on the ceiling to take that picture?