Fresh Air

The tickle in my throat has grown and now I have a fever.  Grrr.  A least that means my body is fighting it, right?  So most of this afternoon and evening I have been lying on the couch of our upstairs neighbors, the Waters. They are good people, constantly offering me water and hot tea.   Also--they have air conditioning.  We have an air conditioning unit in our bedroom, but we only turn it on at night before we sleep.  Otherwise we make do with fans, which isn't bad at all.  We rely too heavily on our air conditioning I think.

On Tuesday I volunteered to man a spot in downtown Waco where CSA members could pick up their vegetables (CSA=Community Supported Agriculture.  People pay every month to receive fresh, organic produce from our farm once a week).   It was on the porch of a childcare center (random I know), under an awning.  So it was outside, but in the shade and I wasn't uncomfortably hot, even though I was wearing long pants and a hat.  I would eavesdrop on people walking by though and hear them complain of the heat.  I thought to myself "Really?  I feel pretty good." Their body was just conditioned to air conditioning (ha. punny.)    It was an interesting observation of my part.  I'm glad to have rid myself of that need for a couple months, just to learn that I CAN survive in a Texas summer without constant air conditioning.


So hopefully I get better pretty quick.  Like I said in my last post, I hate just sitting around while everyone else is working.  We'll see how tomorrow goes



Nancy said...

Tomorrow should go like today --- rest, rest, rest.

(I can't help myself.)

caroline said...

I know what you mean, my a/c has been out on my car all summer...
and although I would rather arrive to church/work without being completely drenched in sweat, it's really not that bad after you get used to it.
I really kind of enjoy that feeling when you first open the door and the hot air almost knocks you over! hah.

robert said...

Yes. Air conditioning IS overrated. We don't have AC in my apartment or at my office. So I was in Florida with the family last week, and our condo was air-conditioned, and I was absolutely freezing all the time.