Watch your head.

I do enjoy this life. Sometimes it's physically grueling, and sometimes I get sunburned, and sometimes I get headbutted by a baby goat, but it's all good. It's enriching. Not always at the time (like with the headbutting), but afterwards, when I'm showered and resting and thinking about it, I appreciate it.

And when I'm playing. Like today, when we had a farewell tie-dye party for Scott.

I appreciated those moments while they were happening. And some of my plain garments of clothing, are now funkdefied. See, I appreciate that.



Nancy said...

I've never been headbutted by a goat!

(I used your Paulo Coelho quote on my GraceNotes blog. I really like it.)

robert said...

You are my only friend who keeps their blog up to date. Thanks. Tell everyone else to get to it. Or else.