Happy Birthday Claire Bear!

My roommate Claire's birthday is tomorrow (as is my half birthday) and so last night we celebrated. We threw a superhero party. It was pretty sweet. I think the most fun part was getting ready for it, though.

Claire, the lady of the hour, was a Ninja Turtle, Raphael to be specific.

I was Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Here I am vanquishing Claire.

Jenny, Tins, and Rach were Charlie's Angels (Jenny was Drew Barrymore, Tins was Cameron Diaz, and Rach was Lucy Lu)

This picture is funny because Melissa and I thought it was supposed to be a silly picture, but apparently it was supposed to be a pretty picture (Melissa was Just-Got-Back-From-A-Wedding Girl). So now it looks like I'm killing Melissa behind the rest of my roommates' backs. Heh heh.

Some people were lame and came as themselves, saying they were "Super Kim" or some such nonsense.

Good times.



Nancy said...

That last picture is so funny!!!!

Oh, is that 'Florence Jenny?'

caroline said...

what a fun idea! That turtle shell is PREtty clever!

Anonymous said...

You WOULD be Buffy. I'm glad you were. You'd make Giles proud.

I would have come as Spike. And they had a little thing going for a while....you know what that means for the two of us ;)

Molly said...

i am SO GLAD you were buffy. buffy is underappreciated. did you see p.s. i love you?? did you notice that spike was in it??? and that they made a vampire slayer reference?? i did.