
I do enjoy summer. Life is just much more chill, like a Jack Johnson song. I'm just taking one class, which is still something, but it's not that big of a deal; I work just three days a week; there are less people at church and more chances to get to know people with such a smaller group; the SLC is never crowded. It's nice.

I went grocery shopping with Rachael today. I usually just buy the same items--cereal, sandwhich stuff, Lean Cuisine pizzas, milk, etc. I try not to be too adventurous, because then I usually don't end up eating what I bought and it goes bad. There also isn't a lot of refrigerator space to waste when one is living with five other girls. But today, I ventured out a little. I bought Strawberry-Orange-Banana juice, brie cheese, alfalfa sprouts, and strawberry Nutrigrain bars, along with my normal purchases. I'm pretty excited about it. I'm going to have juice tomorrow with my breakfast; the Nutrigrain bars remind me of my childhood.; and while in Kenya, I decided I love brie cheese.

Another thing I liked in Kenya was the mango juice Gracia Guesthouse would serve us in the mornings. It was soo good--thicker and creamier than other juices. There was also passion juice, but mango was my favorite.

Dang it, now I'm hungry.

Speaking of Kenya, here's another picture. Some elephants hanging out in the Great Rift Valley.



Anonymous said...

Oh goodness. I am so incredibly envious of you, it kinda hurts. I know that's a terrible thing to say, but I cannot help it. You and I always said we would go to Africa together (well, not always, but we did mention it on occasion) and you went without me. How dare you?!

I suppose I'll forgive you. If anyone deserved to have a dream of theirs come true, it's good ole' Laura. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, and I'm glad you are back.

Nancy said...

I've always heard that summer school has a nice feel to it. More relaxed somehow (yet the classes are more intense, right?).

Mango juice sounds pretty good. I bet it's good for you, too.

Those elephants aren't in a zoo! Now that's refreshing.

Unknown said...

brie! i love brie. eat a chunk for meeee