Happy April!

April 1st always makes me feel really lame, because I am never able to think of a cool April Fool's joke. Throughout the greater part of the year, I think of myself as a moderately funny gal. But then April 1st comes and I feel all this pressure to do something funny/amusing, and I can't think of anything. I think I'm just more subtley funny. We'll say that.

It's been a buon weekend, by the way (every Friday my Italian professor says "Buon weekend!" which means "Good weekend," because, even though there is a word for weekend in italiano, they usually just say "weekend"--according to her. Oh, and another fun fact [hey Claire]: in italiano, you don't capitalize languages. Like francese and inglese and italiano. See, wasn't that fun?). Friday night we had a Disco at UBC to raise money for our trip to Kenya. It was a lot of fun (see adjacent photo of Sandy and I. I know it looks like I'm reaching for something, but really, I'm stiking a disco pose. And I know, my feet look awkwardly placed. It felt right at the time). Oh yeah, and before that was the crazy stormy weather. That was pretty exciting. The street in front of our apartment building flooded. The water was almost up to my knees in some places. A bunch of people were outside in swim suits, frolicking about. It was amusing--a break from ordinary life. Other than that my weekend has consisted of working and chilling.

Oh! And this morning we had church outside. If you're familiar with Waco, it was near the suspension bridge at an area called Indian Springs, I think. That was really awesome, if a little warm. People were baptised and we partook in communion. And it was beautiful.

And next weekend consists of 4 days and I get to go home. I'm excited about it; I haven't spend much time at home since January. It will be refreshing.

So that's my life right now, pretty much.



Anonymous said...

I know about that April Fool's thing. I want to be so funny and creative, and I find myself at a loss. Like now - I can't think of one - not one- April fool's joke to play on you. If I could, I WOULD!!!

Look me up during spring break. (Remember, I've moved.)
- jw

Anonymous said...

You look adorable in your disco picture. I think your feet are placed perfectly ;)Oh, and just so you know, spanish doesn't capitalize other languages either. It must be a weird English thing.

April 1st never really bothers me, but that's probably because I'm always thinking about the fact that my birthday is the next day, so I don't give pranks much thought.

Unknown said...

that picture makes your arm look forever long because you can't quite see the rest of your hand. It looks cool, like you are stretch-(wo)man.

YAY for home! Supposedly there's this really cool David Lynch movie at the Angelika Plano, I don't know what it's about but someone was basically peeing their pants when they told me about it. We so should go!