Religion's a big decision

So my Religion professor was lecturing today about the Great Schism, and midsentence, a guys walks into class and interupts him, says he needs to talk to him. At the time I thought this was kind of rude. Literally, he was in the middle of a sentence. So they talk out in the hall for a moment. My professor then walks back into the classroom and starts to quickly gather his things together, saying he has to go and that this guy "Scott" will pick up where he left off. No explanation, he just leaves. And so "Scott," who never tells us his name, finishes up Mr. Lane's talk on the Great Schism and dismisses us an hour early.

So we still don't know what's going on. I hope everything is ok. Mr Lane has a two-year-old adopted son and a beautiful wife (I know this because he showed us pictures on the first day of class.) and I hope they're ok. He also wasn't here last Thursday. This guy filled in for him, Will Williams (I know, who gives their kid the same first and last name? His middle name better be good. Sorry if you're Will Williams and you're reading this.) who kept us a couple minutes late, but had on an awesome blue bow tie with white polka dots.

It was a curious turn of events. And now it's 10:24 and class is over for me for the day. Since I dropped my 3D Design class, I have only one class on Tuesday/Thursdays. I'm in the SUB (student union building) now, waiting to eat lunch with Molly.

Anytime someone says the word "Religion" (outside of my religion class) the line of a song plays in my head. It's from We're All In This Together by Ben Lee and goes "And then Relgion, it's a big decision." Really, every time. I always wanna sing it out loud, but I know no one would know what I'm talking about. I'm not saying that to be a music snob "Oh, I'm so cool because no one knows that song and I do," but it's just a fact. Do you know that song? I didn't think so.

Speaking of religion, I was reading my religion book yesterday for my aforementioned religion class and came across a few interesting sentences that jumped out at from from the otherwise boring text, like, "The frightened cardinals soon withdrew from Rome, declared Urban's election invalid, and denounced him as a demon and antichrist." And, "The townspeople outside the cathedral gleefully burned them in effigy." I thought those were some pretty exciting sentences. I underlined them, so the next student who has my textbook will take note of them. They probably will think I underlined them for their scholastic value, but really, it was entertainment value.

I like the use of the word "gleefully."



Anonymous said...

Hey, good job with SING, I was wondering how you did, so congrats! I still thinks it's cool how you got a song for everything.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting post. I was thinking it was a set-up in your religion class. And your professor was making some kind of point about the Great Schism. I was just waiting for that. But no, it wasn't that - it was real. Let us know what happened with your professor - if, indeed, something happened.

And I know the song by Ben Lee, you know. So I'm a snob, too. SNOBS UNITE!

Oh, and excitement aboundeth concerning your Sing Thing!!!

Our Mission: said...

Laura, you are an incredibly gifted writer. There are many fully-educated people in the literary community who don't have a fraction of your natural abilty.

And congratulations on Sing!
(this is Rob, by the way)

Our Mission: said...

Laura, you are an incredibly gifted writer. There are many fully-educated people in the literary community who don't have a fraction of your natural abilty.

And congratulations on Sing!
(this is Rob, by the way)