
I'm watching Me and You and Everyone We Know. It's this quirky independent film I recently procured at the "Pre-Viewed" section of Blockbuster.
"I don't want to have to do this living. I just walk around. I want to be swept off my feet, you know? I want my children to have magical powers. I am prepared for amazing things to happen. I can handle it."
I liked that.

I also got Dopamine. It's another independent film. Not as quirky, but just as thoughtful. I don't have any clever quotes from that one though.

And on another note, here is a wiggity wack picture of Allison and I that she took last night on her new pink phone. I think I was possessed or something, look at my eyes. They're like, black.



Anonymous said...

I think what happened was that the camera stole your soul, and it came out through your eyes. So they were black. Too bad for you.
