
We'll just say its funny, ok? Saying its funny makes it so much less aggravating.

I crashed my bike on Monday and the front tire of it has been out of commission until today, when I went to Bicycle Outback and got a new tube put in. So all this week, I've been walking to class, because I don't have a parking pass, and, even if I did, finding a parking spot is more trouble than its worth. So I was really looking forward to having my bike back, to riding it to class tomorrow. But then, a few moments ago, I was airing up the back tire, and the valve broke off. Just snapped off when I detached the pump. So now my back tire has no air, and there's nothing I can do about it.

I really just want to scream, but I don't think my roommates would appreciate that.

And Common Grounds isn't hiring anymore. Apparently "many of [their] employees (which [they] weren't sure about) came back to work, and the positions were opened to them first."

And I had this whole fiasco with a textbook that I don't feel like explaining.

Do you ever just want to turn life off for a few minutes?



Anonymous said...

Yes, I do feel like that sometimes. So just remember that you're not alone.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

This is a little delayed, but whats your tire size?