Crazy week

First, for Caroline, here is a picture of how my semi-permanent hair color has lightened up in the past week:

It's lighter but still there.

Man what a week it has been. It was been full of packing, camping, tubing, packing, moving, hanging, stomach aching. And yesterday I went to the Emergency Room again. But this time it wasn't for me, but for one of my roommates who ended up having a kidney stone and kidney infection. Yeesh. We are all just too stressed out. Quarter life crisis.

But I'm moved out now. I couldn't have done it without the help of Ryan, Momma, Will, Bailey, Matt, Nick, and Robert. Thanks guys. I expected move out day to be really sad, but it was more just stressful. The least stressful part was the Emergency Room actually. I just chilled next to said roommate from 9 am to 3 pm whilst the aforementioned people moved my stuff into a UHaul for me. Then I joined the fun. I didn't finally get back to my home in Colleyville til a little after midnight. Phew.

It has been a good past week, even though there have been health issues and sadness over leaving. There has been lots of quality friend time and lots of cute pictures taken. Like this one, from camping last Tuesday.



Nancy said...

Yesterday WAS crazy... but I loved it. I was with you practically the whole time!
As to your comment on my blog- being homeless can have its appeal. Well, that's bad to say. And I'm glad you had (have) all that furniture- especially the huge duct-taped sofa-thing.

Miss Chambers's Wisdom said...

Yesterday felt like a whole week worth of life. But I'm glad that you were there with me. I agree with the quarter life crisis. I felt like we both had one. Maybe since we had a quarter life crisis, we won't have an actual life crisis.

caroline said...

cute hair! It looks good every way!
And I hope you get to feeling better soon!