
So I just did some blog surfing, and now I feel like a totally inadequate blogger. I read all these blogs about life and beauty and loss and theology and poetic crap and I write shoes? The chicken ceaser salad I had for lunch? (I had one for lunch yesterday actually, from Quiznos in the SUB. That's also when I came to the realization that I have only three dining dollars left...I guess I won't be having Quiznos tomorrow...)

Bah. Who am I writing this for anyways? I don't know anymore. But it's entertaining so I'll just keep doing it. And I don't write about "life and beauty and loss and theology and poetic crap" because I feel so fake when I do. Like I'm trying so hard to be profound and smart. I'd rather write about new shoes and just be me, thank you.

I wouldn't have anything original to say anyway. Like Derek Webb says "I am like a mockingbird, I've got now new song to sing. I am like an amplifier, I just tell you what I've heard.." Preach it Derek. (I like refering to celebrities by their first names. It makes me feel like we're best friends.) Why does Derek have two b's in his last name? How pretentious.

I wonder who reads this that I don't know about. I wonder if I have a stalker. That'd be awesome. Hey, if you're reading this now, leave a comment and just say "macaroni." Nothing else, just "macaroni." You don't have to say you're name, just "macaroni." This isn't just for my stalker, this is for everyone

What if nobody says macaroni? I'd be so depressed.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

mm says, 'macaroni, macaroni, macaroni, macaroni, macaroni!
after writing that so many times it seems like a weird word.
kind of like 'macarena'.