"It breaks my hahahahahahahaheart"

I bought a Regina Spektor CD the other day with a Sam Goody gift card I got from Santa. I'm really enjoying it. Here's a music video of one of her songs, "Fidelity," for your viewing and hearing pleasure..

In other news, I've decided on a New Years resolution: to be more informed about what's going on in the world, to keep up with the news. Perhaps I should subscribe to some sort of news publication, such as Time or USA today. Any suggestions? I also made the obligatory resolution of getting into shape. I'm really going to do it though and in fact already started a month ago to develop the habit of working out everyday (that was a really awkward sentence). But once I get back to Baylor and become busy again, it will be harder to keep up with it. Wish me luck!

Oh yeah, and happy new year!!



Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I saw this Regina character lying on your couch at your house and wondered about her (SHE wasn't actually there, just the CD). So she's good, eh? I didn't watch the video cause it's late and I don't feel like having noise fill up my room. Perhaps I will tomorrow.

Ok, this was pointless. Oh! Good luck! That was what I meant to say. Ignore everything else.

Unknown said...

newsweek! it's some good stuff. although i'm sure every other publication does the same things, but i've been a subscriber for almost 3 years and it's pretty great.