Go Me!

So the GRE is over and I did better than I had thought I would. Go me!!

Classes started today. I have been to two and have one more in thirty minutes. So far so good.

I've also worked towards one of my new years resolutions today. When I was at Garden of the Gods in Colorado, I saw a bunch of people rock climbing and thought it looked really fun and wished I could too. So I thought . . . why don't I? I have free access to a great rock wall at Baylor that I had only climbed once. That is a travesty; I resolved to utilize it more. So today after working I went all by myself (before I could change my mind) to the student life center and climbed the rock wall one and a half times. The first time up was easy, so I then tried a harder route that I gave up on in the middle. I can already tell my forearms are going to be sore. Hopefully I'll go again Wednesday to give it another go. Go me!!

So that's a little update. I have to get ready for my next class--it's an art history class about modern self portraits. Should be cool.

And Caroline--when I upload it I just click the largest option and they turn out that big.



Nancy said...

Go you!!!!

caroline said...

ahhh, it's all so clear now. thanks!
and thats awesome about the rock climbing!

caroline said...

AND that you did well on the GRE. way to go!

Anonymous said...

so proud=me

climbing again wednesday for sure(if you're up for it)

Being Beth said...

Yea for answered prayers! Good job on the GRE! And what about that rock climbing? Would it be too cliche to say "You ROCK???!!!!"

laura said...

I'm writing you a comment to tell you that I love you sweet loftie. You are fabulous. In so many ways.

laura said...

oops I, Claire, wrote the comment above and the one now. :)