let it snow let it snow let it snow

So this weekend I was in a snowglobe, pretty much. I went to Vienna, Austria with my school. It snowed, and was beautiful. That's me with my new snowman friend. We also went to an outdoor Christmas Market that got me super stoked about Christmas. It was magical. I ate roasted almonds, such as the picture illustrates.

And this time next month I'll be home.

And I've also come to be more into hats, if you can't tell.



Unknown said...


Nancy said...

Oh I love the pictures!
And you, of course!

Anonymous said...

You are one of those people that looks good in hats. Good job.

Anonymous said...

I said DON'T go looking for the picture!! It's horrible. But I CANNOT WAIT until I get a hug from you. I suppose I'll have to though.

Nancy said...

So you were in snow. Here, it got up to 83 today. 83!!!! And some say there's no global warming! Here there is!!!

Oh, just so you know, I cannot wait until I get a hug from you MORE than Bailey Jo cannot wait. I'm the needier. She's the runner up.

I get silly when I get tired.

AL PAL said...

hi laura!! its ALLISON!!! your mama made me a blog!!