So I'm back from my whirl-wind art-adventure in New York City. It was a good time. Basically all we did was eat, sleep, walk, and see art. We went to the Moma, The Met, the Guggenheim, the Frick Collection, Dia Beacon, Chealsea art galleries, Neue Gallery, and .. . I think that's all. It was cool. Expanded my visual vocabulary.

And now I'm off to my final week of classes. I still have two papers to write and a handful of finals to take, but it's all under control. I'm not too anxious about the end of school, in that I'm not freaking out about leaving Baylor and this whole world I know and love. Either I'm in denial or heartless. I think also we have just been talking about this for so long--the end of college, graduating--that I feel pretty prepared for it. It also helps that I know what the next step is--grad school. So I'm sure I'll cry at graduation and when I'm moving out of my apartment and such, but I'm not . . . freaking out I guess. I think that's healthy.

Yup I'm healthy. And hungry. I had lunch just two and a half hours ago and now I'm hungry. Well thats annoying.



Anonymous said...

I am thankful that you are healthy. And also that I am too. We're less likely to get the swine flu. Good thing.

And I'm hungry too- but a little less so d/t (due to) the cream cheese danish and apple juice (jugo de manzana) that we are both eating right now.

Glad you're back in TEXAS- the best state :)

going to study now <3

Nancy said...

I'm thankful you're healthy - physically and mentally and emotionally. Oh yes.
And I am also glad you're back in TEXAS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I considered for a moment when Ryan told me you were in New York driving up to New York to say hi, but then reconsidered. Glad you had a good time. I have a blog.
