
So I'm not sick anymore, if you're keeping track.  I haven't been for awhile; it was just a couple day sickness.

So you know how I enjoy chilling out at Common Grounds? Well so does everyone that I live with at the farm. So Saturday morning we all decided to go together. And since we are also ecologically conscious--and frugal--people, we all piled into my car. There was seven of us.

Hey, at least it was my car so I could wear a seatbelt, right mom? That was fun. I like having that many people in my car, but it's probably not as comfortable for them. That was good bonding.

I used to think of myself as more on an introvert, in the Myers-Briggs since I mean. As in I would rather be by myself when I was tired or sad or sick, but I really don't think so anymore. I like having lots of people around me. Like when I was sick last week, and I was all by myself in the Waters' apartment, I got lonely. And when I was lying in my bed, feeling sick and gross and tired, I still liked having the girls in my room around me. I didn't want to participate in the conversation, but I wanted to be in the same room as it. But I enjoy a long afternoon by myself too, but usually in a coffee shop type setting where there are still lots of people around me.

Whatever. I'm me. Introvert, extrovert, normal, insane. Whatever. I think one can be too introspective. Sometimes I need to stop looking inside myself and trying to figure myself out and instead look outside at the people around me. They matter too.



laura said...

i like you!!!!!!
hey and i have the best quote from thomas merton about introspectiveness that i identified wtih. i am going to show you soon.
p.s. are you leaving a comment on your own or is it me? who is me?

laura said...

i like you!!!!!!
hey and i have the best quote from thomas merton about introspectiveness that i identified wtih. i am going to show you soon.
p.s. are you leaving a comment on your own or is it me? who is me?

Nancy said...

I like you, too!

Hmm. When I wish I had more comments I just need to learn from you - and leave my own. . . at least twice.

laura said...

for the record that WASN'T me! i'm not THAT obsessed with myself.

then WHO was it? dun dun DUN