Puppy Ciao!

I'm on my friend/former roommate, Melissa's, computer (not to be confused with my current roommate Melyssa). The second Fantastic Four movie is playing and we're munching on puppy chow (as in the wonderful combination of chex, peanut butter, chocolate, butter, and powdered sugar. It's a staple with us). It's so good, but bad, because it's one of those irresistible snacks that you can't stop eating. It's ridiculous.

This movie is also ridiculous.

So I only have a week and a half at the farm left. Weird! Sad. Unbelievable. I still don't know what I'm going to do with this, with all of this new farm knowledge and world of ideas. Do I want to continue to pursue work like this? Do I just take it and stuff it into my arsenal of experiences, learn from it, and move on? Somewhere in between? I don't know. I don't usually have a plan and that has worked so far, but the real world is fast approaching. I should probably start studying for the GRE or something. Or maybe dread my hair.

There are so many paths. I wonder which one is mine.

I'm going to be 22! Eeeee.



Nancy said...

. . . or maybe dread your hair?
Well, I guess that's an option.

Miss Chambers's Wisdom said...

ummm...please dread your hair. you would look so rad. it would be hot. how does one dread their hair?

I haven't written on your blog with comments recently, but I have been reading it! So I decided that I would write a nice, lenghtly message for you!

I miss Puppy Chow. I can't remember the last time that I had it. Do they make it yummy at the farm?

miss you