Independence Day

Wow, I had not idea people had such strong feelings about quiche! Thanks for all the support and comments.

I am celebrating my country's independence today be being independent. Hanging out with me, you know. I'm sitting in my apartment, vacated of all roommates. I've read a lot. I'm currently working my way through Achebe's Things Fall Apart and understand why it's such a classic. Later there will be fireworks and friends.

I was fooling with my Photobooth with some of my farm peeps and what we thought was going to be a picture turned into this.

So there you've met some new people in my life.
Earlier that day, we went swimming.



Nancy said...

So you went swimming!!

[It's really better to swim without one's glasses! --- but what do I know?]

Anonymous said...

Was that rehearsed? You SAY it just happened accidentally, but I bet you guys spent like all day working on that. And also, you were correct, that picture was taken in Greece. But I am not going to change it because I happen to like it, despite the confusing title.

Wil Carmack said...

heh heh. funny. and... i did teleport again to get the strumstick. it was just off screen. it is bad for the camera to view too many teleportations.