
So yesterday I finally finished making a skirt that I started working on before I left for California, under the guidance of the master seamstress--Melyssa. It's a reversable wrap skirt. Che-che-che-che-check it out.

I didn't actually think it would happen, I kept messing up, but there it is. I'm excited about it.

So the farm has been getting a lot of attention. The paparazzi are out of control! You heard about that news article, well today there was a film crew here from Texas Country Reporter, which I have never heard of, but they are going to do a show about us. They kept telling us to do things over again, like walk out of doors and carry baskets. So if you're watching Texas Country Reporter and see a girl's hands carrying a basket of peppers, it was may be me.

And here is a picture of me from the aforementioned Mystery Spot, being mysterious.

If you would like closer inspection, you can click on it.



Nancy said...

Weird picture! --- and Pretty skirt!!!
And I've known about Texas Country Reporter for years!! I'll start tivoing it.

caroline said...

that mystery spot is crazy stuff!! And I love your skirt!!

Elizabeth H. said...

Cute skirt! You're getting so domesticated at the farm.... gardening, milking, cooking, sewing. How fun!! Eventually, you can run your own White Haven and be 100% self sufficient. That's a pretty cool skill to have.

And weird weird picture.... I can't tell what your left leg is balancing on???

laura said...

nothing! it's balancing on nothing!

Holly Duke said...

i have heard of texas country reporter. He is awesome. I will keep an eye out!

Congrats on the completion of your skirt. Feels good doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

i really want to see that place...and solve the mystery.