I hate cars.

I hate them. They're overrated and require too much attention, time, and money. Sure, the arguement could be made that they save one time by making transportation from one place to another quicker, but I think the evironment, your body, you wallet, and your peace of mind is better off without them.

Yesterday my car wouldn't start, and I was stuck at FedEx for thirty minutes trying to find someone to come pick me up. No one was answering their phone. Apparently class or work or whatever else they were doing was more important than helping me out with my car. I know, ridiculous. Finally I got hold of a kind soul to come pick me up. My car was left there and later that day, another kind soul went with me to jump it. It started, but didn't last me very long. Apparently something is wrong with my alternator, whatever that means. I don't know about cars. So I go to my car again today with the intention of going somewhere to get some mantenence help, but of course, it doesn't start. So of course I start crying. I sit there in my car for a little bit, feeling sorry for myself, and then walk back up to my apartment, giving myself a pep talk along to way. At least I even have a car to stress about, I tell myself. Most people in the world don't. And it's just a car. I have a good life if this my biggest problem right now. And at least I have a good bike to fall back on, and nice roommates. I then decided to forget about my car for a little while and rode my bike to Common Grounds to unwind with a Frozen Milky Way. That's where I am now. It's really hot outside, so I was very sweaty by the time I got here, but it's nice to be here now.

I know--eventually I'm going to have to do something about my car. I just don't feel like thinking about it right now. Ok? Leave me alone.



Anonymous said...

I hate cars too. They are incredibly bothersome. Sometimes I wish that I lived in a tiny town where every place was within walking distance and no one even thought about cars at all. It would be quite nice.

And I was just thinking about coming to see you the other day, actually. I don't want to go by myself, because, well, I don't want to drive by myself (I'm not sure my car would make it lol). And then I thought I should go with Will, because he likes you too. So perhaps I'll suggest it to him sometime soon.

I miss you, deary. Good luck with your stubborn car.

Nancy said...

Yeah, cars can be the cause of a lot of stress.