Complimentary colors

Disclaimer: The following post is slightly cheesy. In it I talk about the m-word (marriage) which I try not to do too much because I'm at Baylor and there are so many girls here who are after it and I so don't want to be one of those. Just know that I have no notions of getting married anytime soon and am perfectly happy how I am. That said, you may read on.

So last night some friends and I were discussing relatioships--marriage, dating ,and the like--and pondering together what it all meant and what we think marriage is suppose to be like. It's something I kept thinking about as I was trying to sleep, when I came up with this analogy that I think helps me, at least. Maybe a marriage works the same way as complementary colors. Apart, the two colors don't cease to exist, they are still lovely and alive and . . . colorful. But when you put said color with its complementary, both are brightened and, well, complemented. Just by being together, they are brighter and do their job as colors better than they do it apart. Like I said, that doesn't mean they aren't colors when they are apart, it's just that together, they do so much better. That would then lead one to believe that, like a color has only one complementary (for red it's green; for blue it's orange; purple, yellow), there is only one person out there that is your complementary, which I don't know if I buy. Of course there are limits to every analogy.

It was just something I was thinking about.

In other news, Rach and I layed out by the pool for the first time this summer yesterday, and now I'm rather burned. It was still fun though; it felt like summer. Last night we went to Target and procured new swimsuits and now I'm anxious to hit the pool again, though I know I should probably give my skin a rest.

Sometimes I feel like a snob, because I like to use words like "procured" instead of "purchased" or throw in a "whilst" here and there instead of "while." It spices things up, no?



Anonymous said...

There must be an evil force at work that is out to get the Carmacks or something (this in response to your last post
). You are having issues with many of your items. Will is having issues with many of his items (for instance, his computer is broken and his ipod stopped working). And your daddy's car was broken yesterday and something was wrong with their directv. I think someone is out to get you guys. That'd be sad, don't let them catch you!

And I like your color analogy. It's not very Laura-like, but it's good. And I also like when you use advanced words because it makes me feel like less of a snob for using them too. Boy, I'm selfish.

Nancy said...

wonderful analogy on marriage.
i didn't know the complementary colors for those colors - i've never taken art. that is interesting.