29 days people!

School is rapidly coming to a close. All I have left is a take home final that is due next wednesday. Yikes! And then I'll be wrapping up wedding details. I can't believe I am here! I feel like most of the big things about our wedding are planned now, but I don't even know how that happened. I've just been moving along, doing things, and then I look back and things are done. Weird. There is still stuff to do, but nothing major (unless I'm forgetting something . . .)

Every once and awhile I'll have a moment of feeling stressed, but then I just tell myself that the wedding is just ONE DAY. Sure, it's one of the biggest days of my life, but it is still just a few hours that I'm planning here -- a ceremony and a reception. It should not consume my life or my thoughts.

I'm at the Hydrant right now with Ryan.

That is my beautiful Italian-style cappucino. Yum! And Ryan's green tea.

Ryan is studying for his last two finals of nursing school. And then he graduates next week!

Man, what a time! What a month!

Oh yeah, and I have blonde hair again. I wanted to look like me on my wedding day, so I wanted my hair to be blonde again. And it is. I'm not going to post a picture; you can just trust me now and see me when you see me.



Nancy said...

I can't wait to see your hair!!!!

And yes, this wedding is approaching... it's going to be so fun ... Well, it IS fun... now.

I like that picture of Ryan.

Ryan Fiance said...

18 DAYS!!!!!!