New post time! Man, looking at that counter to the right makes me nervous/anxious/excited. Anxious and nervous because there is still lots to do that I don't know how to do (decorating, catering, decisions) and excited because I want be married to Ryan. Four and 1/2 months!

Weddings weddings weddings weddings! They're everywhere. But that's okay.

But for today, it's a beautiful Sunday morning and I'm at our friend Chris and Heidi's house doing some studying (or blogging . . .). We made pancakes and Ryan is sitting next to me, studying for a test on Monday. I remember when I used to study for tests . . . I don't really have those anymore. Just reading and talking and writing. And playing with little kids. I've found I really enjoy the younger ones-like kindergarten and first grade. They have so much fun creating, and no inhibitions. I'm leading a lesson next week for a fourth grade class. Nervous about that . . .



Nancy said...

Whoa! That took me aback - you're writing about 4 1/2 months till your wedding.
After I finish this little comment I'm going to FINISH the invite list.
Okay? OKAY!!

Miss Chambers's Wisdom said...

ahh 4th grade. my favorite grade by far. challenging and inquisitive but so fun!! What are you going to be teaching them?