Today! . . . Is! . . .

Ryan's!! birthday!!

Wasn't his beard so big and fluffy this past summer? And it has a bit of a red tint (and every once in awhile a white hair). He is 24 today. For a short time we were the same age--23--but today he has leaped ahead in time. He will have to teach me what it is like to be so old.

This morning we went out for a yummy breakfast with his roommate, Carlos. We went to Old West Cafe. So good! My tummy is still so happy about it.

Ryan has a monster test tomorrow, so we are now--at this very moment--in the TWU library. He is silently studying next to me, looking so cute and 24.



Being Beth said...

Happy birthday to Ryan!!! And good luck on his exam.

I'm impressed that you can sit beside him while he's studying and not distract him. I was never any good at that. LOL!!!

Nancy said...

Those are two great pictures!!!!

Too bad you have class tonight.. ah, but I reckon you'll celebrate sometime... as if you haven't already!

I'm praying for him on his exam... that he will ace it!

Anonymous said...

testing testing...

Anonymous said...

having a hard time commenting on here...

Thanks, babe! You made it a wonderful day.

And I miss that ol' beard.

Anonymous said...

It is very different being 24. Nearly everything is changed...

I will do my best to teach all I know.

Anonymous said...

It is very different being 24. Nearly everything is changed...

I will do my best to teach all I know.