What a beautiful day! I'm sitting outside on campus, doing some studying and such while I wait for five o'clock to get here, because with it, brings class. The History of Art Education, to be exact. I will always have a special place in my heart for history. On that note, I think it's silly to say you don't like history. I can understand if you don't like taking a history class, but history is something you are in right now. History is what brought you to where you are. Studying the history of Art Education makes me excited to become a part of it (I know, I'm kind of a nerd).

And it's such a beautiful day! Sunny and 77 degrees to be exact. I'm looking forward to fall and cool-weather-clothes, but for today I am enjoying the warmth. But let's get cool soon, okay?

While school so far has been interesting and I have been learning lots, I am finding that I have entirely too much time on hands. Further, since there are many cozy and yummy coffee shops that I have been spending money at (plus, you know, bills) I am finding I have entirely not enough money on my hands. I can solve both these problems by finding a job, which I have been trying to do these past few weeks. I have a second interview at an Animal Hospital tomorrow, which looks promising and is probably one of the more random jobs I have applied for. I like animals though, and have some experience cleaning up after them. The job description includes heavy cleaning, office work, and assisting with surgeries. Sounds interesting. We shall see how that one works out. I had another interview last Thursday for a job that I don't know if I'm totally qualified for. It involves me and a classroom-full of at-risk high school students every morning. I would love to work with at-risk high school students but the scarey part is that it would be . . . just me and them. So if they think I am qualified for the job and give it to me, then great, but if they don't think I'm qualified for the job then I don't want it anyway. Hopefully I get one of the above jobs and not both nor neither.

You'll be happy to hear I bought an apparatus for heating water today that will not involve my burned fingers (see previous post). It's not a tea kettle, but a water heater. I broke my roommate's water heater by over-use (I drink a lot of hot tea and french-press coffee) so have bought a replacement. Yay!

This week I am going to try to spend less money at coffee shops and make my own coffee and study on campus more--like I'm doing right now. Maybe make the coffee shop experience a once-a-week thing.

And one more thing, I finished my reread of Mere Christianity and now am reading Travels with Charley: In Search of America by John Steinbeck. Reading it makes me feel like I am on vacation.

Wow, this turned out to be kind of a long post. I think its the caffeine.



Nancy said...

Good point about not liking history.

I can't wait to find out what your job will be.

Being Beth said...

Your potential jobs both sound interesting. I wonder which direction God will point you.

I love history too, and I've always thought about it like you stated in this post -- we are the culmination of history as well as its current participants. That makes living exciting as well as somewhat daunting when you think of the responsibility of decisions you make (and not just political or social ones). If you take it out even further, we re not only affecting the present age, but the future as well. WOW!

I like your long posts. You've always got interesting things to say.

caroline said...

I have always loved history too! And I don't think I ever had a history teacher that wasn't amazing. I know most people say theirs were also the track coaches or something, but mine were always just super super into history. I had one guy in college who's dad was in WW2 and brought in pieces of plane shrapnel and nazi bandanas and it was awesome! He talked about everything like he had been through it himself.
My sister is taking a class about how history and culture have influenced music throughout the centuries and it sounds so interesting!

Anonymous said...

wow. just now saw this and the last post, but i remember talking about the regina video with you. i'm thankful you know how busy i am and i don't have to make excuses...

i'm taking a little break from class (adult 2) (left an hour early so i can study for my test at one!) right now, obviously i am procrastinating-paying a bill, checking emails, your blog- but am now heading to the library!

glad you are enjoying the book and i'm excited about the prospect of you wearing scrubs:)


Julia said...

Oooh, I look forward to hearing what your new job will be. Either one will be a challenge! I just got the Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit soundtrack if you need to borrow it for the school job. You can sing to them, "Ya betta wake up and paaaaay attention." I am playing it right now to help guide my post.

Tell me more about a water heater. My parents are visiting right now (YEA!), and my mom brought me a whistling tea kettle she got at a garage sale for 50 cents. My mom has skills. And I love having a real kettle, since until now, I've just been boiling water in a saucepan and then dangerously aiming for the mug.

My mom told me about the Red River Romance performance Sunday! Do you have any demo CDs out yet? Or can I listen to any of your music online? Like Whoopi always says, "The time is now or never to make your dreams come true." So I'm really excited that you are in a band!

"Wake up, everybody. Wake up, children. Oooohhhh yeaaaaaa."

Love and miss you,