
I'm at my home in Colleyville right now, just waiting for the time to come to go to church. It's been nice being home this weekend, enjoying the air conditioning, movie channels, and meat. Oh yeah, my friends and family. They are cool too. There was a bridal shower in the mix. And good music listening.

I've had some reverse culture shock though. Especially when I went to Target on Friday. There was just so much . . stuff. So much unnecessary stuff to buy to make myself feel cooler. I tried on a couple dresses but looked at the tags that said stuff like made in India," "made in Nicaragua," "made in China," and I just couldn't buy anything. I could just picture the chinese woman, getting paid a dollar a day so I could buy this discounted dress and feel cooler. I don't know if that's really the reality for all companies that offshore outsource, but it's all I can think about.

Bleh. So I just bought a CD. Fiest:



Nancy said...

That Feist video was so entertaining to watch. I'll to go back and listen to the words.

Your comment about shopping at Target - and the tags- really made me think. I get so used to the affluence of here that I forget what and who make it possible. Hmm.

robert said...

Feist > Clothing

Elizabeth H. said...

I didn't get your message until yesterday afternoon so I'm sorry I didn't call you back!! But, I'm not going anywhere, so we can get together another time! :)