I just spend the last hour at a new coffee shop near my house, Buon Giorno Coffee. It was an hour well spent--reading, drinking coffee, supporting the local coffee shop peeps. It was my third time to go there and I have been pleased to find it pretty busy every time. Perhaps it will be able to compete with Starbucks and survive. The owner (who has a pleasant accent. English or something or other, I can never tell the difference.) saw that I was reading Blue Like Jazz and commented on what a good book it is. I concured. He then asked if I was a Christian and then what church I went to. He told me he led a church nearby as well as owning the coffee shop, that he opened the coffee shop in order to develop relationships in the community and such (I'm paraphrasing). He made a point to say that it wasnt' a "Christian" coffee shop, though, that he didn't want to alienate people, just serve them coffee. (I added that last part, about serving coffee. He didn't say that, but I figured it was implied, since it is a coffee shop). So that was neat, I thought. If you are ever in the Grapevine/Colleyville area, you should stop by Buon Giorno Coffee on Hall-Johnson for a cup o' joe. (It also as free wireless interenet. Starbucks can't beat that.)
I think it would be fun to open a coffee shop. It would be hard though, because of the Starbucks empire. Don't get me wrong, I like Starbucks-a lot-but you can't deny the fact that they are everywhere, which probably makes it hard for local coffee shops to survive.
Here is a question for my public, if you know the answer: Why is the Sound of Music's "Favorite Things," considered to be a Christmas song? Anyone?In other news, my toe nail is falling off (sick OUT). I think that is of note. I postulate that my running shoes are to blame and so I've bought a new pair for myself for Christmas. I'm pretty excited about 'em.
I think it's funny that Shiloh likes having his butt rubbed (he's my dog, by the way). He just came up to me whilst I was sitting here and I started petting his back and he repostitioned himself so I was petting his butt, He always does that. Marco didn't do that. And also Shiloh always freaks out when Will leaves. LIke just now, Will, Allison and Bailey all went to the studio to record and now Shiloh is freaking out, running around and whining. It's pretty annoying and kind of sweet. Mainly just annoying.
Ok, you HAVE to see this.
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I've never heard of my favorite things being a christmas song..maybe because it's like a gift list? encourages materialism? gives people ideas for gifts?
i think it's the brown paper packages tied up with string part. I've always wanted a brown paper package tied up with string
Hey! I just finished a book the other day that was centered around a trip to Italy, and the main character was having trouble remembering all the "good morning"s and "good night"s and whatnot, but I think I remember that Buon Giorno means "goodnight". Is that correct? Hmmm maybe not. Anyway, I think I will be trying this new coffee shop soon. Except I won't know what to get...what do you normally get?
THANK YOU!!!!!!!
(I'm thinking Buon Giorno means Good Day (?))
I'm going to go get some coffee at that place tomorrow. Yessirree bob.
And I might play that little elf dance with your face smiling so sweetly - over and over and over. It is darling darling darling. - And I might want to learn the moves. Is some of it the Macarena? I used to know that - what was that - a decade ago?
Merry Christmas!!!!!
i found out that your dad really liked that christmas dance!!!!!!!!
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