My bike is all better now! Hooray! I only had to get a new tube in the back tire, which cost a mere $4.32. I rode it to my circolo d'italiano this evening (that's italian club for all you laymen) without a problem. Holla.
And I really don't have much homework to do right now. That makes me very uneasy....I would also like to take this moment to briefly implore you to, if you are not already, sponsor a child. I do it through World Vision, but I've also heard good stuff about Compassion International. All I do it pay $30 a month and occasionly send/recieve stuff to/from little Ive Chimpango in Malawi (isn't Ive such a cool name?). Just $30. Maybe you think you don't have $30 to spend a month, but think about it. That's less than 10 dollars a week. That's a couple CDs. That's 3-6 meals out. That's a pair of jeans. You can do it. And it's so rewarding, but more than that, it's so needed. According to World Vision, "on any given day, we have thousands of children who are still waiting for sponsors — their photos have been taken and their profiles written, but they are still waiting to hear that they've been sponsored." They're just waiting for you! Ok, now I'm sounding kind of cheesy, but seriously yo. Look into it. I got a letter from Ive a little while ago. She is too young to write for herself right now, so the letters are written on her behalf. She drew pictures though. I can't wait til she is old enough and and can hear stuff straight for her. That'll be neato.
This entry was posted on 8:20 PM
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